New York

Village Of


Friday  June 7th schedule:  

Festivities to take place at the Fireman's Field - Corner of Knight and Mechanic Street - 

Come party and dance the night away!!!
The Fire Department will be selling
food and drinks!!!

​6pm-9pm - Ice Cream Sales by Friends of the Interlaken Public Library

7pm - 10pm - Whiskey Business Band

10pm FIREWORKS - Sponsored by

Seneca County


​​Saturday  June 8th schedule:

9:00am     Vendors Open

10:00am   Book Sale by Friends of the Interlaken Public Library

​10:30am   Parade Starts from the Elementary School

11:30am   School Band Performances

12:00pm   Chicken Barbeque  

12:00pm   Citizen Of The Year Award

1:30- 2pm      Raffle & Drawings

2:00-4:00pm     Daemon Box

​5:00 -7:00pm     Zydeco Trail Riders

​Sponsored by Evergreen Acres

 Accepting donations of baked goods for the cake wheel:

 Cakes, cookies, pies, etc - Contact Rich @ 607-279-1407 or email us at

  - they can also be

dropped off the day of the event.




There's always a variety of craft, food, retail vendors attending the event. Look to  see our local breweries, wineries, and cideries there!!!

Look for the Green Thumb Garden Club and Book Sale on the Library Lawn..
A number of local organizations will have informational tables.
There is usually a "Fun House" for the kids with lots of room to bounce around.


 The parade forms at the South Seneca Central School, and steps off at 10:30 am. If your interested in participating in the parade, we would like to hear from you. 


10:30am   Parade

11:30am   School Band Performances

2:00-4:00pm     Daemon Box
​5:00-7:00pm     Zydeco Trail Riders

The South Seneca School Band usually marches and performs in the Parade.
Plan to stay for the day and enjoy listening and dancing with live bands.


 Lots of great food all day, and into the evening. Merchants and organizations will have everything from chicken bar-b-q to hot sausage and maybe even strawberry shortcake for you to enjoy. 

Chicken Bar-B-Q begins serving at noon. Blowin Smoke BBQ Will be there too.

DISPLAYS:The Interlaken Historical Society Museums will be open, Car Pride usually has their "show cars" on display and in the parade.


Interlaken Baptist Church - West Ave

St. Francis Church - Orchard Street

Village DPW - Railroad Ave 

Interlaken's Olde Home Day Festival - June 7th and 8th - 2024

- Sponsored by The Interlaken Community Action Group


 Interlaken will be bustling with the activities associated with Olde Home Day. Some research into the phenomenon of the “Olde Home Days” shows that most of them were inaugurated in the very late 19th or early 20th century, just about the time that the majority of the population of the United States was shifting from being rural to urban. These festivals were an opportunity for the first generation of city dwellers to return to their hometowns and celebrate the rural experience of their youth.

    Diane Bassette Nelson, former president of the Interlaken Historical Society and one of the organizers of Olde Home Day. “It goes back to about 1930 in Interlaken,” she said. “Then it died back a bit after the 1980s and came back in the mid-1990s, and it has been going since.”


This event is made possible by our ICAG volunteers, ( a committee of the Village of Interlaken ), the Town of Covert, Interlaken Historical Society, and many of the local businesses who donate goods, money and services to help fund these community activities. Become a sponsor - download our donation form below or donate online !!!! -

 Thank you for helping making this "Family Friendly" COMMUNITY event a success every year.

We are always seeking new volunteer members. Please contact  us to become a member and find out how you can participate!!

Meeting are held the first Monday of each month at the Village Offices -

8369 N. Main Street

Interlaken, NY 14847