New York

Department of Public Works
Supervisor - Wes Ahouse -  Call the DPW Office at 532-8882

Now Available - Dial-A-Truck 
Clean out your brush, leaves, and tree materials and load them into the Village truck overnight or on a weekend.
Overnight:$15.00, Weekend $35.00

The truck will be delivered to your location (Village Residents Only), parked and locked late afternoon.

We will come and get the truck in the morning.     

Call the DPW Office at 532-8882 or the main office at 532-9200

Mulch and Leaf Compost                                                                                       Gravel 
Well aged, ready to use leaf compost                        Landscape Mulch                                                                      Stone for driveway, holes, etc
Small tractor bucket $10.00                                          Small tractor bucket $20.00                                                Small tractor bucket $25.00

Large loader bucket $20.00                                           Large loader bucket $35.00                                                 Large loader bucket $50.00

Dump truck load (3-5 cubic yards) $45.00              Dump truck load (3-5 cubic yards) $60.00

Streets, Sidewalks, and Property Maintenance
Along with water and sewer needs, the village maintains the streets and sidewalks on the business district of main street throughout the year. That includes mowing, paving, making sure storm drains are clear of debris, keeping parking areas and water valve locations marked, as well as the daily routing of general property maintenance, which includes the library, firehouse, as well as all the other village owned properties. During the spring thru fall months the DPW also does regular pickup of bagged leaves and bundled brush. 
 Water Department
The Village water stations pumps between 45,000 and 55,000 gallons of water a day. The water is pulled from a beach well near Interlaken Beach where it is then treated and pumped to the water tower. There it is fed by gravity to homes and businesses both in and out of the village. Some homes along the route from the pump house to the water tower also have village supplied water.

Water Rates effective June 1, 2022
Inside Village $132 minimum up to 1,000 gallons - $7.50 per 1,000 gallons over the minimum
Outside Village $146 minimum up to 1,000 gallons - $9.37 per 1,000 gallons over the minimum

Sewer Department
On an average day the Village Sewer plant will process and treat upwards of 50,000 gallons of village generated sewage. Once the filtration and treatment process is complete, the water is discharged into a local stream, where it is fresh enough for animals and human consumption.
 Sewer Rates effective July 1, 2019 - (Based on metered gallons of water used)
Village Rate $30.00 minimum up to 1,000 gallons of water - $6.25 per 1,000 gallons over 1000 gallons of water usage

Mowing - 

Village Residents

Mowing your grass is required under Village Codes. We know some of you need help.

Below are a few independent people you can hire:

Drew Haskins - Mowing, Lanscaping

@ 607-342-8306 call or text

If you also do mowing and want to be added to this list please submit your contact info to

Snow Removal - 

Village Residents

Snow removal from sidewalks is required under Village Codes. We know some of you need help.

Below are a few independent people you can hire:

​Craig Hull - Sidewalks

Snowblowing and shoveling

Prefers to be notified by text  

@ 607-279 -8559

Drew Haskins - Driveways & Sidewalks

Plowing, snowblowing, or shoveling

@ 607-342-8306 call or text

If you also do snow removal and want to be added to this list please submit your contact info to

Quick Links:

Sewer Information

Village Of

Quick Links:

Drinking Water Information

SRTS ​Sidewalk Construction Project Is Now Completed!!!!

The plans were designed by the NYSDOT. Fisher Associates was the inspection company and Millenium Construction was awarded the work. A copy of the plans - Sidewalk Plans Link